Steps for A/B Testing Caffeine
Applying Caffeine to a percentage of user-sessions is supported. Because of a desire to change this percentage without submitting an update to the app store, this percentage value lives on a remote file that we control. The default value is 100%, so assuming a request is allowed and your license file is valid it will flow through Caffeine.
To change this percentage, please email our engineers at
Determining whether Caffeine is enabled on the current session
Upon the start of every session, a notification whose name is stored as CaffeineHTTPProxy.caffeineInformationStringNotificationKey
is posted to the default notification center. Within the notification's userInfo is a boolean value keyed by the same string-value as the notification name (right above) indicating whether or not Caffeine is enabled for the current session.
An Example View Controller
Swift 3:
import UIKit
import Proxeine
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(receivedCaffeineNotification(aNotification:)), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: CaffeineHTTPProxy.caffeineInformationStringNotificationKey), object: nil)
// Our method to receive the Caffeine notification
func receivedCaffeineNotification(aNotification: NSNotification) {
if == CaffeineHTTPProxy.caffeineInformationStringNotificationKey {
if let usingCaffeine = aNotification.userInfo?[CaffeineHTTPProxy.caffeineInformationStringNotificationKey] as? Bool {
// 'usingCaffeine` now tracks whether Caffeine is enabled for this SESSION
// You can log this value with your analytics service
deinit {
Your method for receiving the Notification
can of course be anywhere in your project, but we strongly recommend adding the observer from within application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
If at any time you require help, please contact our engineers at They're more than happy to help!